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Do's and Don't with your new puppy!



You are most likely on this page because you have recently adopted a puppy or looking to get one soon!

Here is our list and brief explanation of how to handle your puppy! Of course there are many ways to raise a puppy, this is what works for us and keeps us happy pet owners.


  1. Hand feeding! It is an incredible technique to help you bond you and your pup! It also kick starts some training!

  2. Start touching the puppies paws, tails, and ears because touching these sensitive areas builds trust and confidence.

  3. Grooming: Start brushing fur and brushing their teeth. Use an electric tooth brush to touching their paws/ nail. It really helps groomers when clipping nails.

  4. Give your puppy lots of rest!

  5. Give your dog lots of time to play and get well adjust to their new home! Make it fun and excited for them.

  6. Keep a leash on them when you are home to correct any unwanted behaviour.

  7. Keep training sessions short and playful!


1. Hold them constantly like a toy. You will condition them to want to always be held. This behaviour can grow to being insecure, not being able to cope or have the confidence to live life like a normal dog. This is especially the case of a car. Put them in a crate do not hold them or keep them in the front seat.

Puppies will grow into dogs. Don't forget to treat them like so.

2. Letting them in the front seat: For safety reasons the airbag is our concern, a safety mechanism that can easily break their bones when deployed.

3. Letting them onto furniture with out permission.

4. Keep puppy out of crate when you are not able to keep your eye balls on them. They are at least 8 weeks of life and don't understand what is good or bad for them. It would make you happier to leave your puppy in their crate while you work, watch TV and not find a shallowed, chewed or soiled something you loved.

5. Avoid stairs and over exercising of puppy. They are still growing, doing so can lead to spinal cord and/or hip issues.

6. If your puppy has an accident in crate do not let them have free time after. Wash them. Wash the crate tray and return both into crate. They will start to have accidents on purpose if you reward them with freedom

7. Don't let random strangers and dogs say "Hi" to your puppy. This will feed into bad mannerism to your pup. They will want to start saying "Hi" to every person or dog, and not everyone is a dog person. If someone ask just kindly say you're training and walk away!

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