Hi Dog Parents!
I know we made the switch from Dogtra to the E-Collar Technology a while back, and I needed some time to familiarize myself with the E-Collar Technology system. Many of you have been curious about my thoughts, so here they are:
Why We Fell Out of Love with Dogtra:
Our first 280C was amazing. We broke the antenna pretty early on but that didn’t make a difference to it’s functionality. It’s waterproof. I didn’t need to change the battery for three years! It was so reliable! I loved it and raved about it to clients. They bought the collars and had great experiences, but over time, we started to see inconsistencies.
We had to send new collars for repair before they were even a year old. Since we’re not in the United States, we had to cover our own shipping costs. The battery systems couldn’t be sent via Canada Post, so we had to use FedEx, only to pay again for the return shipping. Problems persisted even after repairs, and once the one-year warranty was over, we felt like the company no longer cared.

Odyssey wearing E-Collar Technologies - Pro Edcuator
Our Switch to E-Collar Technology:
We heard from other trainers that the E-Collar Technolnogy has a more user-friendly warranty:
1. They send a brand-new collar right away, so you don’t have to ship the broken unit back like with Dogtra, leaving you without a collar for weeks.
2. The warranty covers the collar for two years, compared to just one year with Dogtra.
3. The collar actually lights up, so you don’t have to purchase a fancier model to get that feature.
However, like Dogtra, we’ve had to utilize the warranty. We’re on our third new collar with E-Collar Technology, and we purchased our unit just six months ago. This has been an inconvenience since we still must pay for the shipping of the broken collar back to them.
In conclusion:
I’m hoping to find an e-collar that offers both quality and excellent customer care.
Do you use an e-collar? If so, do you want to rave or rant about it? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
A Dog's Odyssey